Quick Horror Film Review by Lachelle Redd – The Taking of Deborah Logan

The Taking of Deborah Logan


An elderly woman battling Alzheimer’s disease agrees to let a film crew document her condition, but what they discover is something far more sinister going on.

The Taking of Deborah Logan stars Jill Larson as an elderly woman who is battling Alzheimer’s. She agrees to let a film crew follow her and document her condition. The only catch is, that’s not Alzheimer’s.

This movie will catch you off guard. That’s what I liked about it. You know there is something creepy going on and this movie satisfies that requirement. What unfolds is so much more horrible. Deborah does go down what seems to be a rabbit hole of dementia, but soon you are skeptical that there is more going on. She exhibits other behavior that falls outside of the realm of dementia and just turns into straight paranormal.

The film crew are slowly creeped out and so are you. You begin to feel their apprehension as most of this film is shot from a first-person pov. I am usually not a fan of that but for this story, it works. I don’t think it could have been as effective in any other way.

Catch The Taking of Deborah Logan on Tubi and Vudu for free.  

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Lachelle Redd is an independent author with works on Amazon. Her works include fantasy, horror and science fiction. In her spare time, she enjoys being with her kids and watching movies.



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