Interview with KYLE RADER – I’ve learned that we are all shouting into the void.

[bctt tweet=”Interview with KYLE RADER – I’ve learned that we are all shouting into the void. @YourOldPalKile #authorinterview” username=”theboldmom”]


Thank you so much for being here with us.!

Rader is the author of the horror-comedy MY BFF SATAN, we’re already #1 fans!!

TBM HORROR EXPERTS-horror book promotion-My Bff Satan

Who is Kyle Rader in two lines?

I am a writer of the strange, bizarre, scary, and stupidly funny. Oh, also everyone loves me.

[bctt tweet=”Who is Kyle Rader in two lines? I am a writer of the strange, bizarre, scary, and stupidly funny. Oh, also everyone loves me. @YourOldPalKile #authorinterview” username=”theboldmom”]

Which was your first work/title?

My first published work was a short story called ‘Peeved’. It’s a strange bizarre tale about a man in an unhealthy relationship and his telling of a time when, on a forced outing with his wife and her awful friends, he finds his backbone, by urinating on a picture of Dolph Lundgren. Am very proud of that one, even though it was “for the love” and I didn’t get paid. So it goes.

When you finish answering this interview, you go outside and find a winning lottery ticket. What’s the first thing you would do?

I’d go to the store and buy as many lottery tickets as the winning one was worth. Got to let a hot streak ride!

What Inspired the cover of your book?

For My BFF Satan, I wanted to go with a kind of minimalist style, something that one might see on a Judy Blume novel, as the story, while scary, bizarre, and funny as hell, is poignant and deeper than even I originally intended when I set out writing it.

Coffee or wine?


Batman or Spiderman? Hellboy is taken.

Swamp Thing!

How do you relax?

I either go running or box. Reading is key. Playing guitar when I can. And, now that I’m a father, reading to my son or spending time with him is fantastic.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learnt during your career as a writer?

I’ve learned that we are all shouting into the void and that my work is not special, just as I am not special. No one really cares about my writing or me, so once I realized that it became freeing in a way.

I’ve stopped caring so much about winning the respect of my peers and readers and am simply focusing on the stories that I want to tell. Publishing them? I still submit and still get rejected like every other writer out there. So it goes. I’ve stopped trying to compare successes with others as well. That leads to stupid bullshit jealousy and I simply do not have the room in my life for such things any longer.

Pineapple in pizza?

Pizza is a gift. However one choses to eat it is the correct way.

What inspires you the most?

I’ve no idea whatsoever. Being a smart-ass, maybe? Heavy metal? Or maybe it’s something less tangible than what most people experience? Like, say just a feeling somewhere within me that says keep going, or maybe it’s telling me to keep jotting ideas down that I may never ever get about to writing simply out of pure spite?

How is your writing process?

I outline my novels, not so much my short stories anymore. I hand write all outlines in a new notebook for each novel, some of which I lost the plot and never finished(yet). I lay out the main story riffs and a brief description for each all the way through to the end. Then, I outline my characters, physical descriptions, what they’ve done before the story started, etc.

Best movie ever?


What’s the worst joke you have ever heard?

“I love you, too”—my ex fiancé who bilked me for a lot of money and still owes me.

What’s the best part of publishing a book? The most exciting?

Seeing your name on the spine of the finished product is something I’ll never stop enjoying. Getting feedback that people read it always amazes and humbles me.

[bctt tweet=”What’s the best part of publishing a book? The most exciting? Seeing your name on the spine of the finished product is something I’ll never stop enjoying. @YourOldPalKile” username=”theboldmom”]

Who is your support, back up or muse?

My wife. My dog. My son. My close friends. Swamp Thing.

Could you tell us an event in your life (related to your career as a writer) which marked a “before and after”?

Before I got my first novel published, I was doing a small informal reading with some writer friends, having a nice time. I read a part of my novel and one man went off on me. Full-on crazed, angry rant.

He found something I wrote to be offensive and started calling me all kinds of terrible things, having failed to separate the art from the artist or failing to realize that it was the actions of a rather loathsome character in a made-up fiction novel.

I started to apologize as I’m a decent enough sort, but stopped short. I did nothing wrong and it was this man’s bizarre nature that was the issue. He would not listen to reason, so I told him I don’t owe you anything. I wrote something, you didn’t like it. Let’s move on.

After that, I learned never to apologize for your writing. Art is dangerous. It has to be. That being said, I did take another look at the scene in question and realized that despite the psychotic nature of this asshole, the scene was a bit much, so I re-worked it and made it stronger.

Also, I’ve been murdering/embarrassing/otherwise tormenting this man in my writing for the past decade or so now, so my revenge is ongoing and brutal.

<Check out my book Four Bullets if you want to know which one I’m referring to here>

Favourite actress and actor?

I don’t believe I have one. I guess I’ll pick Toshiro Mifune for actor and for actress, maybe Cate Blanchett

What’s your view on aliens?

You have to be a moron to think we are the only things living in this universe.

Freddy or Jason?

Jason. For days.

What are you working on?

Several projects. I’m currently shopping a novella and a novel, am about to start edits on another novel, and am going to outline my next novel in the coming weeks. All of them straight up horror, pretty nihilistic horror, too. So, my comedy fans? Sorry?

Are you a summer or winter person?

I fancy myself an autumn

Do you ever handwrite your manuscripts?

I tried it once and abandoned the project entirely. Too bad as it was a solid idea. I’m thinking of reusing some of the concepts in a series of short stories though.

Do you have a lifetime project going on or in mind?

Yes. Living my life.

Do you have a favourite artist? Musician?


What’s your favourite quote and why.

I have so, so many. Here’s one from The Crow that I love: “It’s not Hell; but you can see it from here.”

What’s the last book and album you purchased?

I bought the novelization of the movie Jaws: The Revenge. Seriously. I don’t really buy albums anymore.

What’s the most beautiful landscape you’ve witnessed?

The glaciers in Iceland

 Bookmundi The Vatnajökull Glacier in Iceland: Why To Visit | Bookmundi
Bookmundi The Vatnajökull Glacier in Iceland: Why To Visit | Bookmundi

Do you remember your dreams?

Yes. In fact, my novel Four Bullets was primarily based off a vivid dream I had.

Moto or car?


What was your favourite book as a kid?

Either 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or James and the Giant Peach.

How is the best way of contacting you?

Email, through my website/Twitter.

Find him on Twitter here @YourOldPalKile

Where can readers find your work?

All my books and most of my short stories are available on Amazon. I’ve linked to all on my website

Check out

Do you like videogames? Or role games?

Yes, I’m a ride-or-die gamer from the old school. Am currently playing (when I get the chance, which isn’t often) Shadow of War.

Have your expectations as a writer changed during your career?

Yes. Now, I’ll be happy if I sell a dozen copies of my books. Used to think 100 would be great, but I’ve yet to actually crack it. So it goes.

What’s “that” mistake you wouldn’t make again if you started from scratch?

I probably wouldn’t have gotten into a fight with my college roommate back when I was Twenty-One. No one got hurt, thankfully, but I did get hauled off in cuffs and had to pay fines and go through the system in order to clear my record.

Violence never solves anything, kids! UNLESS…you are trying to win the Intercontinental Championship. In THAT case, use as much violence as necessary to get that gold!

[bctt tweet=”Violence never solves anything, kids! UNLESS…you are trying to win the Intercontinental Championship. In THAT case, use as much violence as necessary to get that gold! @YourOldPalKile #horror” username=”theboldmom”]

Thank you so much for your time!!

[bctt tweet=”My BFF Satan by Kyle Rader – Something is wrong in Hell. @YourOldPalKile #horror #horrorcommunity #booklover #book #macabre #writingcommunity #satan” username=”theboldmom”]

The man himselfKyle Rader is Superman with a gun.

He’s also a writer of all things big and small. Author of 3 novels and over twenty short stories(and counting), most days he trudges along through the monotony of daily life waiting for when he gets to have time to sit down and write. Last he checked, he lives in New England and enjoys playing guitar poorly, yelling at his television, and annoying his long-suffering wife and newborn son who is way too awesome to be hanging around with him.

If you like what you read, want to discuss living the Beard lifestyle, the writing life, or ask him if Batman could beat Superman (Nope),  head over to the Contacts page and drop him a line.

Check out some of his published Short Stories in the Short Stories Page. 

Check out his Author Page on Amazon

Find the author on his website

And social media!

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