HORROR FILM – Her Name Was Christa by James L. Edwards – How far would you go to keep the one person you’ve always wanted?

Stephen is a socially awkward, middle-aged telemarketer and is desperately alone.

At the suggestion of a co-worker, he goes out into the night to find a prostitute for “The Girlfriend Experience”. With this, he meets Christa, a streetwise call girl who’s happy to fulfil his needs.

Yet something unexpected happens. What starts as a business agreement blossoms into true love. But what happens when death enters the picture?

How far would you go to keep the one person you’ve always wanted?

HER NAME WAS CHRISTA is the directorial debut of actor/screenwriter James L. Edwards (BLOODLETTING, POLYMORPH, KILLER CAMPOUT).

The film stars Shianne Daye, Drew Fortier(guitarist for BANG TANGO), Rick Jermain(WRESTLEMASSACRE), Kaylee Williams(MODEL HUNGER) and Edwards with special appearances by Sasha Graham(ADDICTED TO MURDER), Scooter McCrae(Director of SHATTER DEAD), Barbara Katz-Norrod(SKINNED ALIVE) and J.R. Bookwalter(Director of THE DEAD NEXT DOOR). Featuring special make-up effects by Alan Tuskes(MEN IN BLACK 2, CABIN FEVER, FROM DUSK TILL DAWN, THE DEVILS REJECTS, TUSK) and an original score my Matthew Sturgeon(20GOTO10, The Sharpe Tooth).

HER NAME WAS CHRISTA is currently available as a limited edition DVD($20) and limited edition Blu-Ray/DVD Combo($25).

Includes over 90 minutes of extras, a reversible cover, free shipping, 2 free mini-posters and the option to have the items signed by director James L. Edwards.

The film is available direct via James L. Edwards through his Facebook page(https://www.facebook.com/james.l.edwards.3) or the HER NAME WAS CHRISTA Facebook page(https://www.facebook.com/HERNAMEWASCHRISTA/) by private message.

You can also email orders to captspaulding224@yahoo.com.

The film is also available (minus mini-posters and signature option) through www.Makeflix.com and www.Diabolikdvd.com. Lastly, the film is available for rent or purchase through the following outlets…


Her Name Was Christa from Makeflix on Vimeo.


Also on GooglePlay

[bctt tweet=”HORROR FILM – Her Name Was Christa by James L. Edwards- How far would you go to keep the one person you’ve always wanted? #horror #horrorfilm #filmmaker” username=”theboldmom”]



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Mar Garcia Founder of TBM - Horror Experts Horror Promoter. mar@tbmmarketing.link