THE MADNESS IS MELTING BUT WILL NEVER DISAPPEAR In the grips of a bad trip, the hellish and overwhelming delusions are inescapable. Scarier than the overpowering visuals and boundless paranoia is the promise that there’s no way out. Are you prepared to take that psychedelic pilgrimage?

Are you ready to gaze upon an absurd growth that’s gobbling up the entire world? Or take an unknown substance and hop on a private jet that spirals out of control?

Would you let a young girl that spreads nasty rumors bend your ear to further her bizarre agenda? Are you willing to be paralyzed and stuffed into a coffin that’s ejected into outer space, or overdose and have your consciousness transferred into a disturbed bird?

These experiences merely scratch the surface of the lives you’re set to live should you agree to take the trip…

[bctt tweet=”Hallucinations by Aron Beauregard – THE MADNESS IS MELTING BUT WILL NEVER DISAPPEAR @AronHorror #horror” username=”theboldmom”]

[bctt tweet=”Scarier than the overpowering visuals and boundless paranoia is the promise that there’s no way out. Are you prepared to take that psychedelic pilgrimage? @AronHorror #horror” username=”theboldmom”]

About the author

Aron was born in Central Falls, Rhode Island. He’s been writing horror since the 6th grade when his parents discovered a short story titled “Zombie Child” wedged in the back pocket of his dirty acid-washed jeans. It was about a teenager who couldn’t score the girl of his dreams in life so he decided to kill her and accidentally impregnated her corpse… You can imagine where it goes from there. Needless to say, his parents were not thrilled by this tale and rather than acknowledging his creative genius suspected he might be a budding serial killer.

Regardless of what he did in his life, horror always followed him. After pursuing careers (which ultimately failed) in music, filmmaking, and full-time drug use, he eventually circled back to his bloody bread and butter: writing highly disturbing and bizarre material that tends to explore the human potential for evil. After tooling around for decades, he’s finally started publishing his work (to the applause of a handful of deranged perverts).

He also contributes to the Evil Examined Podcast where he explores the most strange and horrifying events in the history of humanity with his lady and friends. He emits a Manson-esque charm through the pathetic platform, peddling his works of smut and violence to any goon willing to listen. When you enter his realm, be prepared to embrace the ugly and FEEL THE SPLATTER!

Other works!

Author’s website

Evil looking devil with creepy Illuminati eye and two E’s facing eachother that look like pitchforks

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As stated in my prior post I will be releasing a few pieces of artwork from the book building toward the release. I’m aiming to release the book in both Paperback & eBook on June 15th if all goes as planned. Repulsion is in the eye of the beholder but this is one from what could potentially be the most disgusting tale in the collection titled “Last Days in Honduras.” Children melting in an oven alive should let you know if you can handle this book or not. I’m a big supporter of NO BOUNDARIES in creation, let’s keep horror nice and dangerous! For the sick and willing, please join in our DARK ASSEMBLY… #DarkAssembly #Splatter #Sleaze #Dangerous #HorrorBook #Horror #FeelTheSplatter #EvilStories #Filth #aronbeauregard #scarystories #splatterpunk #filth #bookstagram #indiewriter #indiehorror #indiehorrorwriter

A post shared by Evil Examined (@evilexamined) on

As stated in my prior post I will be releasing a few pieces of artwork from the book building toward the release. I’m…

Posted by EvilExamined on Tuesday, June 2, 2020


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About Mar Garcia 786 Articles
Mar Garcia Founder of TBM - Horror Experts Horror Promoter. mar@tbmmarketing.link