CARPENTER’S SHADES – “Mind Control and the New Star Wars Movies” by Kevin Candela


The new Star Wars movies perfectly depict the mind control techniques currently being used on the masses. “Simplifying” the plots to what amounts to an Orwellian treadmill, we now have virtually no real handle on good vs. evil in the newest movies. “Darth Wimpy”, as I call Kylo Ren, worked for some evil guy from somewhere who is now out of the picture along with whatever history may have allowed Ren’s “master” to rise. Without Snoke (lame name too), we now have a confused twenty-something as the Big Bad of the “galaxy far, far away” and not one fan actually knows what matters anymore or why there’s a need to kill off the remaining “rebels” when there doesn’t seem to be an actual evil dominance going on anyway…just a bunch of chaotic power-based feeding frenzy stuff.

Nothing against the new leads, they’re fine. And for that matter, it doesn’t really matter how Han, Luke and Leia have gone out or go out, because they’re really not important either.

What IS important? To the people pushing this stuff, what’s important is that the viewer believes (A) war is inevitable and a way of life, (B) no one is specifically to blame for or benefiting from this and (C) we all must sacrifice our resources to those who “protect us”.

The prequels were the exact opposite of this, and that’s why they’re really the only Star Wars movies that matter or make a statement. George Lucas gave us a wondrous monument and we tinkled on it. The prequels and the Clone Wars animated series may in fact be the only accurate (if allegorical) documentary of our age. And since these movies and that animated series DO matter, and deep statements are being made, the most brainwashed among us FEAR them. We focus on Jar-Jar Binks, a minor idiot at best, and we rip on those amazing movies for “stiff dialogue”.

These same people are addicted to The Empire Strikes Back despite the following obvious flaws to that original series flick: (1) the ending sucks eight different ways, (2) the Luke-on-Luke fight on Dagoba is confusing and weird and still doesn’t work, and (3) the ONLY thing that’s any fun in the movie, really, is the Han-Leia/Bogart-Bacall stuff…a handful of funny lines and moments…the rest is just space chases and blaster battles.

And that’s what the new movies are too: generic space chases and blaster fights. Yaaaawwwwn. No longer do we have the dark manipulations of the self-focused Sith and the heroic and often conflicting Jedi schools of philosophical thought. No, now it’s just “Pew! Pew! Pew!” and we’re squeaking off with a burning tailpipe toward yet another “new world” (change of background scenery, nothing more).

What’s going on? George Lucas tried to wake us up. SOME of us ignored Jar-Jar and the “Yes, master” dialogue, GOT that the Galactic Senate politics was the key to everything and that our “protectors” will generate enemies to protect us from a la The Phantom Menace (my favorite of all SW movies) and Attack of the Clones (my second fave).

Some of us received the message—our “benevolent” leaders control us through wars. In fact I firmly believe that Emperor Palpatine is meant as a direct allegory to one of our recent presidents (the “kindler, gentler” tyrant of 1989-93). All the connections and symbolism is there. But the cowardly among us don’t WANT to see that. They just want to be entertained with some generic stuff that doesn’t question authority.

The new Star Wars movies are exactly that: They want you to forget all that critical stuff and just eat popcorn. IF you like that idea, socio-politically you are “part of the problem”. Just go watch an old western, it’s the same middling junk but probably done better (except the expensive new-era FX). If you found the politics upon which the prequels are focused and centered to be “boring”, well—the truth is, you are NOT a deep thinker. You’re a superficial action fan, and while that’s not a crime, putting down movies with substance because there’s not enough witty banter and gunplay SHOULD be. You may as well go and watch your content-free entertainment, brought to you by the modern master of “people running around chasing and shooting at each other for three hours”, J. J. Abrams. You’re living in a little box with the lid closed, though…might want to watch out that you don’t suffocate.

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