The Bad Nun directed by Scott Jeffrey. Written by Mike K.

tbm horror - the bad nun review

Directed by: Scott Jeffrey

Starring: Becca Hirani, Thomas Mailand, Tiffany – Ellen Robinson

Okay so it’s been a while since I’ve blogged about terrible horror movies, and while I’m neglecting that by watching even more terrible horror movies and tv shows that I will binge once in a blue moon, I’ve seen some stuff over the past few months. Today, I am going to review a movie that caught my eye just by how the poster looks. At first glance I thought it was one of those stupid haunted house spoofs that come out around the time a horror movie with any kind of hype surrounding it releases, but boy…was I wrong. I give to you….The Bad Nun.

***Spoiler alert!***

Pros: There isn’t really much to say in terms of the pros of this movie. The atmosphere is creepy enough, and the lead actress does a somewhat decent job, but other than that, there isn’t much to really dive it into.

Cons: Okay so as I said before, this isn’t a haunted house spoof, it’s more of a home invasion type of horror film, which if you didn’t do your research beforehand going into seeing this, you would probably think it is as such. But no, in fact, it’s one of the worst home invasion movies I’ve seen in quite some time. For a good portion of the film, there is someone dressed in a nun outfit, you don’t see their face and all you hear is their voice at the door. For whatever reason, the female lead needs to hold a conversation with this person. Why on earth would you chit-chat with someone who just randomly shows up in the middle of nowhere? There’s no wifi and poor cell reception, so the recipe for disaster is easily growing. All of this is taking place at a B&B which just so happens to see the owner wander off and you don’t see him for most of the film until the BIG TWIST….surprise! He’s the person in the NUN COSTUME!!!! If you have plans to see this film, at all, for whatever reason….I just spoiled it for you. If not, I just saved you an hour and a half of your time.

Final Analysis: This movie’s original title was called The Watcher, but according to IMDB, was changed to The Bad Nun because of The Nun that came out the same year. It hooked me in with a bad poster but really lost me with the plot. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone unless you like bad horror. Final score 1/5.

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Occasional content creator. Fan of sports, wrestling and horror movies.