Sugarplum Zombie Motherf–kers by Tim Lieder – Christmas, death, genocide and teddy bears.

Christmas is a magical time when friends gather to watch zombie porn and fathers tell their children heartwarming stories of murder. This collection brings together three tales of Christmas, death, genocide and teddy bears. “Santa Claus Dies” “The Xmas Video” “The Man in the Red Suit”

“Sugarplum Zombie MF-ers is by far one of the most excellent books I’ve read in the last few months. Though it be but a few stories, each one is full of bite and wit!”

Gordon Davidescu

“These stories are written for the intelligent horror fanatic with an equally intelligent dark wit that encourages the reader to take his time with tales. Imagine if the godfather of zombies, George Romero, and Fight Club’s Chuck Palahniuk had come together to write a few no-so-heartwarming stories about Christmas, but only after having read a healthy dose of Nietzsche. “

Damian Gray

Also on Audible!

About the author

Tim Lieder is a writer, background actor and keeper of cats. Tim has been published in several markets including Shock Totem, Big Pulp and Daughters of Frankenstein.

About Mar Garcia 786 Articles
Mar Garcia Founder of TBM - Horror Experts Horror Promoter.