Rene Descartes Does Not Exist (The Abyss Laughs Book 1) by A.R. LaBaere

Seeded by Thomas Ligotti, H.P. Lovecraft, The King In Yellow, Mark Z Danielewski, Wagner, Poe, Bruno Schulz, Borges, Kafka, Jon Padgett, Ashton Smith

Rene Descartes Does Not Exist peals with the undercurrent of plangent chimes in a forgotten gloaming… There persists a revelation which cannot be defined, but which is captured by the crude eyes of certain dolls. 

Within are Tsalalic, broken staircases which lead to nowhere, untidy, resistentialist galaxies of dark stars… A Ligottian antinovel, a surrealist literary criticism of House Of Leaves, Psalms Of The Silent, Fictional Observers, and Untidy Starving Shadows, it creaks and creeps…

Suspirias susurrise among howling passages… The pages resonate with groaning undercurrents of masking things which are what they would not be, a mask for pandemonium… Within are phantasms, mirrors, burrowing universes… The unheimlich volume is a Borgesian unreality of lambent crookedness, a resistentialism of untidy tailor’s dummies which resonates with the eidolon of murmuring, garish laughter…

It is crookedly peculiar…The words are upside-down, tenebrously untidy, a cosmic incantation, the tome a grimoire, a The King In Yellow of magick, a doppelganger… The manuscript tolls queer thoughts, things monstrous… vaguely, vacantly glimpsed… Unlighted candles migrate within That unheimlich volume, a Babel of lambent unreality which resonates with eidolons of laughter…

A Mimicrying, metafictional criticism of House Of Leaves, The King In Yellow, Cosmicism, The Thing, and The Untidy Starving Shadows, the tome creaks and creeps… It resonates with twin mirrored Houses, untidy, unfamiliar shapes in the darkness… It is very strange; the words are clandestine, unreal, tenebrously untidy, as though… the work were hazy, a foggy, peculiar looking-glass- curious words that seemed to keep some secret, monstrous if one only knew.

About the author

A.R. LaBaere is a publishing house which resides within the bizarre, the outlandish, and the Ligottian. Its focuses include Cosmicism, pessimism, the absurd, and the Weird. The author seeks to reproduce texts which deconstruct logic and enhance the Weird. A.R. LaBaere strives to disseminate literature to all readers.
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