Quick Horror Thought: “The Human-Undead War” by Jonathan Ondrashek – He’s not talking about vampires, he’s talking about war.

Ondrashek is, perhaps, the most different author I have on my shelf. Vampires never used to be one of my main reads but he has been such a great discovery to me. When you hear about this horror subgenre, I can imagine it’s common to have one thought in mind: “Ah, vampires, again.” Well… WRONG.

The problem is not the creature but the way authors play (or don’t play) with it. That said, I can positively confirm Ondrashek puts his crown on in this matter. He’s not talking about vampires, he’s talking about war. What would happen if the convivence between species was just, unsustainable? What decision would you take, if one option was to lose your humanity and all you have fought for so far, and the other was to turn into ashes in a demolishing battle against the devil itself? Ah… not easy, right?

There. Right in that little blank in your mind this idea has just created, leaving you hanging and wondering, right there is where the author stabs, turns his knife… and smirks.

There’s only one way you can find out.

Are you in?



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About Mar Garcia 786 Articles
Mar Garcia Founder of TBM - Horror Experts Horror Promoter. mar@tbmmarketing.link