Oblivious by Howard Carlyle – A personality that no one would wish to encounter.

tbm horror - horror book - Oblivious by Howard Carlyle

From an early age, Scott Harper endured years of mental and physical abuse from his parents. To help cope with his situation, Scott developed a dual personality, only, it was a personality that no one would wish to encounter. This personality is hell-bent on revenge towards anyone that stands in his way of total control over Scott.

Tommy was right when he said he and Scott would always be together; there was no escaping it. How can you escape from yourself? Scott realizes that there is only one way to escape the power that Tommy holds over him.

It’s a symbiotic relationship from Hell where neither one can survive without the other. The terrifying and murderous actions of one child —will chill you to the bone.

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Mar Garcia Founder of TBM - Horror Experts Horror Promoter. mar@tbmmarketing.link