MEGALOMANIAC: Film Review By Matt Boiselle

Starring: Eline Schumacher, Benjamin Ramon, Pierre Nisse

Directed by: Karim Ouelhaj

Whew – it’s been quite some time since I laid eyes on a film that I could deemed as “tough to watch” (outside of my first wedding video) – jokes aside, the idea that when a film is made, and its plan is to make the viewer shudder with unpleasant feelings is a potent & compelling blueprint – even with a strong storyline & practical conveyance…you’ve got to admit that there are times when you WANT to look away from the screen. With all that being spit out like a rancid bite of maggot-infested meat, let’s cut a little deeper into director Karim Ouelhaj’s disturbing MEGALOMANIAC – better wrap yourself in two-ply splashguard, cause this one’s going to get messy.

The film stars Eline Schumacher as Martha, a woman working at a factory who has been vexed & ultimately raped by a man named Luc (Nisse) while her boss (Wim Willaert) turns a blind eye to the undertakings, and while this detesting act isn’t any less disconcerting, it almost takes a back seat to the other reprehensible actions that take place at the hands of Felix (Ramon), who continues on the family work of brutalizing young women…see, I told you this one gets rougher as time moves along. After some time, the horrendous actions committed against Martha turn her into a stone-cold, remorseless murderer as well, and far be it from me to say, this movie takes over-the-top sadism to new extremes.

As the movie trucks on, the audience is left to decide if Martha’s actions are indeed of a vindictive nature, and what she’s making happen is the result of trauma left untreated. Felix’s behavior, on the other blood-soaked hand simply are the by-product of a father-to-son “passing of the torch”, if you will – dad was a heartless savage, and that same acrimonious propriety has slinked down the lineage to his son, and here we are: sitting in the front row watching the carnage play out in crimson grandeur. The entire presentation has a dreamlike feel to it as well, with some haunting imagery contained within, nightmarish to an extent, and it all blends together wonderfully. This killer-kinfolk product certainly won’t appeal to many lovers of the horror genre, but it’s unapologetic & unflinching all in the same tone – MEGALOMANIAC will definitely have its audience, and they’ll revel in the artistry of this one.

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About Matt Boiselle 51 Articles
At the tender age of 6, Matt was indoctrinated into the horror genre by his mother, who asked him to sit down and watch "The Exorcist" with her - ever since then, it's been a blood-soaked, neon-lit, fever dream of an existence. "You don't make horror...horror makes you." (Can't remember who came up with this quote, but he was probably off-kilter like I am).