Interview with Aron Beauregard – A combination of vulgar visceral descriptions and deep ideas about the layers of life. 

tbm horror experts author interview

[bctt tweet=”Interview with Aron Beauregard – ‘A combination of vulgar visceral descriptions and deep ideas about the layers of life.’ @AronHorror #authorinterview #horror #author” username=”theboldmom”]

Which one was the first piece you wrote? 

First piece of horror I ever wrote was in the 6th grade. It was a short story titled “Zombie Child” about a teenager who can’t get the girl he desires and in turn pushes down a flight of stairs. He then unearths her corpse after her funeral and impregnates it. The corpse fosters a vile undead child who eventually hunts him down. 

As you can tell there were some really sick thoughts going through my head from a young age. Years later in my late teens I would rent some random horror movie (I wish I could remember the name of it) where a very similar story played out on the big screen. At that moment I felt some weird vindication and started thinking about writing more horror. 

Can you describe your book in a couple of lines?

A collection of uncomfortable stories with dark troubled characters. Some of these characters are even loosely based on people I’ve encountered in my lifetime. This book has no boundaries. 

[bctt tweet=”A collection of uncomfortable stories with dark troubled characters. Some of these characters are even loosely based on people I’ve encountered in my lifetime. This book has no boundaries. @AronHorror” username=”theboldmom”]

What is the book you always keep close, and why?

It’s not so much the book but the books. I’m a huge fan of the old EC Comic series “The Vault of Horror, Tales From the Crypt,” and “The Haunt of Fear.” These bring my mind back to a simple time and explore a potential for evil in humans, which is what my work focuses on. 

Do you have an inspiration source?

Everything. I draw inspiration from my upbringing, a drive through the countryside or city, experiences and conversations with friends, a casual exchange between strangers at a store. I’m always looking for the next story to tell and sometimes they come from the places that you’d least expect. 

[bctt tweet=”I’m always looking for the next story to tell and sometimes they come from the places that you’d least expect. @AronHorror #authorinterview #horror” username=”theboldmom”]

What are your current projects?

I have five things currently in the works. I believe they should all be completed within the next year: 

NIGHTMARE NIRVANA is a heavily illustrated short story collection that will feature cover art by horror painter Zack Dunn and some sixty or so gorgeously sinister black and white pieces from a relatively unknown artist. His work is phenomenal and we have great chemistry, I feel like I’ve brought a darkerside out of him and I’m excited to announce his name once the book is ready. These stories will range in diversity and cover many topics, picture Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark for adults. This book will not disappoint I promise. 

WEDDING DAY MASSACRE is a perverted gorefest about an isolated ceremony in which a pair of psychopaths look to create a slaughter so grand that it will never be forgotten. This novella will have some fun wedding traditions woven into the chapters, the guests will be forced into some horrible competitions and circumstances. 

IN THE HANDS OF THE HEATHENS is something different for me. It’s a supernatural thriller, or is it? I guess you’ll have to read this novella and decide for yourself. I don’t want to give too much away on this one. 

HALLUCINATIONS is an absolutely insane collection of short stories based off of my own personal experiences on LSD, DMT and Psychedelics. There is some WILD SHIT in this one and it will include 33 bizarre illustrations. 

YELLOW is a novel about a cowardly man who has his entire life stripped from him in graphic and nauseating detail, until the point where the reader is begging for revenge. This book is horror but also feels like a violent pulp detective story. I’m extremely excited about this book. 

[bctt tweet=”WEDDING DAY MASSACRE is a perverted gorefest about an isolated ceremony in which a pair of psychopaths look to create a slaughter so grand that it will never be forgotten. @AronHorror” username=”theboldmom”]

[bctt tweet=”YELLOW is a novel about a cowardly man who has his entire life stripped from him in graphic and nauseating detail, until the point where the reader is begging for revenge. @AronHorror” username=”theboldmom”]

Which kind of music do you listen to?

I listen to everything. I like punk, blues, metal, rap, basically any genre you can imagine I can find something I like. I was in a crappy band for close to 7 years called Pisstaind Shirt. It was a fun chaotic run that I will never forget and often leverage elements of in my writing. 

What kind of reader is your book for?

Someone who likes to be surprised and not have clearly defined boundaries. Someone who is not overly sensitive and can be comfortable with horrible people sometimes prevailing. Because that’s life isn’t it? To some extent my work is a reflection of society. 

How would you describe your style?

A combination of vulgar visceral descriptions and deep ideas about the layers of life. 

[bctt tweet=”How would you describe your style? ‘A combination of vulgar visceral descriptions and deep ideas about the layers of life.’ @AronHorror” username=”theboldmom”]

What’s your writing process?

For me it begins with a general idea or situation. My fiance often laughs when she hears me randomly ask Siri a half dozen times to take a note in the dead of night. Once I have the base then I begin to ponder what character(s) might be interesting or fit into that idea or situation. I slowly add layers from there. Oftentimes I’ll start with a handful of bullet points and it will just evolve as I write. Once I know the characters I just describe what they would do in the sickening scenariosI conjure. 

How would you define your evolution as a writer?


What would be your advice to new authors?

Take control. To quote Rob Schneider “You CAN do it!” For a long time I didn’t do anything with my work and couldn’t find the motivation to write. Then a switch just kind of flipped one day. If that happens just start going. Invest in your stories and others in the writing and self-publishing community. Invest in editors and invest in artists (if you can afford to). Having a nice cover that is my own idea come to life motivates me when I see it. Maybe that will motivate you. I envision the beautiful finished product in my hands and more importantly in the hands of other sickos. 

Which one is the mistake you would avoid now, looking back in time?

This is easy for me. I would have invested in better editing early on. No matter how many times you read your own stuff you will miss tons of mistakes. I kind of had to backtrack a bit and go back to some of my older projects and clean them up. I’m close to having everything exactly how I want it and refining my process for the future moving forward. Now I’ve found an editor who gives me exactly what I need without affecting the vision of my stories. I’m in a much better place and system now. 

What’s your favourite quote?

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” ― Marcus Aurelius

Do you have a favourite artist?

Clive Barker. The man has done it all, adult books, children’s books, film, painting, graphic novels, video games and I love it all. It’s not even close for me. 

What is the best time of the day for you to write?

In the early morning and afternoon on a rainy day if possible. That just opens the floodgates for me. 

Can you tell us something about your next book?

My collection HALLUCINATIONS will put you into the shoes of someone tripping. If you’ve never been there I’m going to get you there without putting yourself in harm’s way. If you’ve always wondered what it’s like but have been too anxious to trip, the experiences I’ve woven into these stories will allow you at least a partial understanding.

If you’ve been there and done that, remember no two trips are the same and the loads of horror I’ve injected into these vulnerable journeys will bring you into another world. 

Thank you!

TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR DYSFUNCTION: This assembly of putrid tales will drag you into the darkest regions of humanity.

It will push extremes and test the mental and moral boundaries of those who choose to participate. Meet a woman who carries a dead baby inside her womb and also the belief that her stillborn fetus will somehow find life again.

Connect with a nomadic punk-rocker who’s out to make a quick buck when he’s presented with a sickening conundrum.

Join two teenage psychopaths as they bring hell to the suburbs on Devil’s Night. Follow a child of the streets who finally steered away from a life of crime only to be drawn back by a bizarre new drug.

Take part in a gruesome and nefarious ritual that can restore one’s innocence, or worm your way into the dark web beside a sadistic pedophile with a bottomless desire to kill and destroy.

How should you feel after digesting these admittedly obscene and repulsive stories?

Ask yourself if enjoying them makes you a horrible person or if hating them somehow justifies your journey into this storm of violence and perversion. For the sick and willing, please join in our Dark Assembly…

[bctt tweet=”Dark Assembly by Aron Beauregard – Take pride in your dysfunction. This assembly of putrid tales will drag you into the darkest regions of humanity. @AronHorror #horror” username=”theboldmom”]

[bctt tweet=”Ask yourself if enjoying them makes you a horrible person or if hating them somehow justifies your journey into this storm of violence and perversion. For the sick and willing, please join in our Dark Assembly… @AronHorror” username=”theboldmom”]

About the author

Aron was born in Central Falls, Rhode Island. He’s been writing horror since the 6th grade when his parents discovered a short story titled “Zombie Child” wedged in the back pocket of his dirty acid-washed jeans. It was about a teenager who couldn’t score the girl of his dreams in life so he decided to kill her and accidentally impregnated her corpse… You can imagine where it goes from there. Needless to say, his parents were not thrilled by this tale and rather than acknowledging his creative genius suspected he might be a budding serial killer.

Regardless of what he did in his life, horror always followed him. After pursuing careers (which ultimately failed) in music, filmmaking, and full-time drug use, he eventually circled back to his bloody bread and butter: writing highly disturbing and bizarre material that tends to explore the human potential for evil. After tooling around for decades, he’s finally started publishing his work (to the applause of a handful of deranged perverts).

He also contributes to the Evil Examined Podcast where he explores the most strange and horrifying events in the history of humanity with his lady and friends. He emits a Manson-esque charm through the pathetic platform, peddling his works of smut and violence to any goon willing to listen. When you enter his realm, be prepared to embrace the ugly and FEEL THE SPLATTER!

Other works!

Author’s website

Evil looking devil with creepy Illuminati eye and two E’s facing eachother that look like pitchforks

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As stated in my prior post I will be releasing a few pieces of artwork from the book building toward the release. I’m aiming to release the book in both Paperback & eBook on June 15th if all goes as planned. Repulsion is in the eye of the beholder but this is one from what could potentially be the most disgusting tale in the collection titled “Last Days in Honduras.” Children melting in an oven alive should let you know if you can handle this book or not. I’m a big supporter of NO BOUNDARIES in creation, let’s keep horror nice and dangerous! For the sick and willing, please join in our DARK ASSEMBLY… #DarkAssembly #Splatter #Sleaze #Dangerous #HorrorBook #Horror #FeelTheSplatter #EvilStories #Filth #aronbeauregard #scarystories #splatterpunk #filth #bookstagram #indiewriter #indiehorror #indiehorrorwriter

A post shared by Evil Examined (@evilexamined) on

As stated in my prior post I will be releasing a few pieces of artwork from the book building toward the release. I’m…

Posted by EvilExamined on Tuesday, June 2, 2020


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