IN A VIOLENT NATURE: Film Review By Matt Boiselle

Starring: Ry Barrett, Andrea Pavlovic, Cameron Love

Directed by: Chris Nash

Look – I am literally ALWAYS up for a good ol’ slice & dice film – hell, these kinds of movies are what I cut my teeth on as a little horror punk WAAAY back in the early 80’s. I’d revel at the sight of Mr. Voorhees, Mr. Myers and that dreamlike Mr. Krueger cutting up the innocents in waves…but deep-down I always wished that there was a worthy successor on the horizon. Now here we are in the blessed year of 2024 and by George, I do believe we have found an heir to the crimson throne. Step inside the viewing parlor with me as we get to the guts of director Chris Nash’s IN A VIOLENT NATURE – keep your splashguards firmly affixed as there will be more than enough viscera to stain clothing.

Right off the bat, with every review that I have personally read regarding this film there seems to be a continual caviling of the notion that this is nothing more than a FRIDAY THE 13TH clone or ripoff. Yes, there are certain similarities to quite possibly the greatest slasher franchise of all time, and yes the opportunity is there to potentially piggyback off of it, but to me that’s where it all ends. This film is very much more than a hopeful parallel in essence – it’s got its own look, feel and execution (pardon the horrific pun), and with time I truly feel like this will formulate its own following of impassioned supporters.

The film centers around the ever-so-ruthless existence of Johnny (played by Ry Barrett), a hulking, rotting indestructible brute of sorts, who has been awakened after the theft of a golden locket that was taken from the area in which he was entombed years ago. The eventual meat-sacks that were responsible for the piracy of the pendant are a bunch of typical drunk, horny and generally unintelligent friends having a little cabin fiesta in the woods. Johnny’s urban-legend is the stuff of lore, but with each passing moment his story begins to feel like more than the stuff of scary-tales (bad pun DELIVERED). After his resurgence from the ground, Johnny begins a slow, plodding lumber through the vast expanses of the forest in search of the locket, and the poor soul responsible for the stolen item. While the acting leaves MUCH to be desired, that’s not what we’re all here for now is it? Did ANY of you honestly look forward to the Academy Award performances in classics such as THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE or MY BLOODY VALENTINE?

Be truthful, gorehounds – we’re here for the kills!! All of the wretched, gruesome, inhumane and overall slaughter-iffic ways to cease a camper’s presence on this planet, and believe me when I yell to you that the deaths in this product are nothing short of glorious to intake. Far be it from be to ruin the beauty of a cinematic butchering, but these slayings simply must be watched with a fanatic’s eye, coupled with the slow-burn of a true “stalk-slay-admire” game plan, this was simply masterful (in my useless opinion). The only other thing that set my peepers ablaze aside from the bodies being stacked was the camera-work and the sweeping visuals at times – from the over-the-shoulder perspective of the killer, to the overhead shots (possible drone-work?) while Johnny does his dirty-duties, to the expansive vistas of the forest and nearby lake. Even the distant looks at the campers for extensive spans along with the solemn, staccato thudding of Johnny’s boots in the grass and weeds gave this movie a sensory experience that I haven’t partaken in quite a long time.

When all is said & done, IN A VIOLENT NATURE could very well signal the revitalization of slasher films as we know it…wouldn’t Mrs. Voorhees be so proud? Make sure to get to the theaters to watch this jewel on a large screen or you’ll have to wait until later in the year when it’s unleashed on SHUDDER.

About Matt Boiselle 56 Articles
At the tender age of 6, Matt was indoctrinated into the horror genre by his mother, who asked him to sit down and watch "The Exorcist" with her - ever since then, it's been a blood-soaked, neon-lit, fever dream of an existence. "You don't make horror...horror makes you." (Can't remember who came up with this quote, but he was probably off-kilter like I am).