Horror Short Story – Riverwalk by Kathleen McCluskey

   Julia and Richard strolled arm in arm down the picturesque Riverwalk. The city always seemed to come to life for them when the warm lights of the shops began to reflect on the dark water. The Riverwalk was always so crowded during the day; for them, the night hours were more enjoyable. Julia and Richard stopped and leaned against the railing. They watched the small gondolas float down the calm water. The tourists were always easy to pinpoint. The laughter and excitement were palatable and the never ending presence of a camera or cell phone was a dead giveaway. The pair continued down the Riverwalk, looking into windows and people watching. Julia had the uncanny ability to notice when somebody felt out of sorts. She was able to infiltrate their mind and senses to bring them to Richard and herself. Richard never possessed that ability. He wasn’t envious just confused why he had to use brute force but Julia only had to smile. 

   They spotted a young man and woman sitting on a bench. The young woman seemed to be crying. Julia went straight to her. Without saying a word, Julia sat down and brushed the hair away from the woman’s face. The woman recoiled but as soon as her eyes met Julia’s all of her fears were pushed aside. The man began to protest but Julia looked him in the eyes and he settled. Richard stood behind the man with his hands on his shoulders. He lifted the man to his feet and walked with him to the darkened alley. Julia took the woman by the hand and they followed the two men. 

   Richard struck first. He grabbed the man by the back of the neck and spun him around. Richard hissed loudly at the man. That broke Julia’s mental hold on him. The man tried to scream but Richard sank his razor-sharp fangs into the man’s throat. Blood began to pulse out and seep out from between Richard’s lips. He raised his head and let out a guttural growl, “Blood always tastes sweeter when they are scared. Thank you, my love for releasing him just in time. Your timing is impeccable.” Julia smiled. She was a delicate creature and was almost timid in her approach, she lifted the woman’s wrist to her lips. She sank her sharp fangs into the woman; still holding onto her mind the woman let out a small sigh as her life drained out. Julia looked at Richard, “I enjoy it better when the blood is calm.”

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