Horror film – HOLES IN THE SKY. The Sean Miller Story. ‘Later, that would change to something… far more terrifying.’

tbm horror - holes in the sky by ash hamilton

In July of 2013 Sean Miller disappeared for four days. Seven years later, a documentary film crew found out why.

The Sean Miller Story is The Blair Witch Project and Travis Walton’s abduction combined. I slept with the light on. A highly recommended and emotive experience. See it.

Terry Lovelace, Author and Abductee

The footage, originally titled The Sean Miller Story, which was originally set for a 2021 release has now been incorporated into the feature film, Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller Story. Holes in the Sky will be screening at several film festivals this fall.

Springfield, IL – Illinois based filmmakers Ash and Chanell Hamilton are no strangers to the bizarre. Ash, a former host of the internet based podcast The Parafactor has spent years researching the stranger side of the internet. When, like most of the world, COVID interrupted the Hamiltons’ plans to make their first feature film under their Horror-Fix brand, Ash turned to his lifelong interest in the paranormal to begin his next project.

Fascinated by the disappearance and subsequent reappearance of a rural Illinois man in 2013, Hamilton, his wife Chanell and cameraman Brett Pearson set out to film a documentary on the subject. Allowed to film the original abductee and his family over the course of 5 days, the crew soon discovered that the bizarre events that preceded the 2013 disappearance had not only persisted long after the event, but had apparently increased in intensity.

Hamilton, when asked about the film, said, “… and that was the very first few hours that we started experiencing what they had obviously been going through for years. At first it was… well, it was fascinating… later, that would change to something… far more terrifying.”

Found footage films have seen quite the evolution over the past two decades. Ever since The Blair Witch Project blew the doors off the concept of pseudo-realistic, shaky-cam terror, there have been countless iterations and attempts to add variety to the genre. It’s hard to argue the effect a movie can have when everything you are watching feels real. Even in an age where anyone can go online to find a plethora of scary and disturbing videos, it’s jarring to the senses to experience a movie where it’s easy to forget you’re watching a fictional story.

Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller Story gives an innovative take into the genre, but calling it a found footage film wouldn’t be a fair assessment. Written and Directed by Ash Hamilton, it follows a documentary crew, which includes Ash, his wife Chanell Hamilton, and their DP, as they attempt to investigate an alien abduction story.

Read the full review on https://www.horrorgeeklife.com/

Indie Favorite “Holes in the Sky” Takes Home 9 Awards, Nominated For More

As the 2021 festival season draws to a close, feature favorites are tallying their awards and clearing a space on their shelves. 2021’s “Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller Story”, has seen its fair share of success. An official selection at 13 festivals, Holes has now gone on to collect 9 awards including:

Best Reality Horror, Best Sc-Fi Feature, Best Feature Director – Fright Night Film Fest

Best Feature Film – ScareFest

Best Horror Film, Best Science Fiction Film – Multi Dimension Film Festival

Best Film – Dark History and Horror Con’s Screaming Mad Film Festival

Best Documentary – Kaiju Film Festival

Audience Favorite – Rt 66 Film Festival

The film also saw nominations of Best Director at Scarefest as well as being a Finalist at Monsterflix and a Finalist at American Horrors Film Festival (award recipients will be announced early 2022).

“There’s nothing fake about Holes In The Sky when it comes to creepy science fiction. This story of alien abduction will scare you into believing and you’ll never look at the night sky the same way again.” Congrats by the way!!!

Jessica Dwyer

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Mar Garcia Founder of TBM - Horror Experts Horror Promoter. mar@tbmmarketing.link