DARK POETRY – ‘Devotion’ by Tina McFarlane

You’d tear out your own eyes
so that She can see Herself
as you do

Shadows cling to Her
like heartbroken lovers

and She walks with a beauty
that is the envy of stars

Pyres of sacrifice
Blades and blood
are not enough
to satisfy her

So you offer your soul
on a bed of flesh
for Her to feast upon

She is your Beloved
and you, her Devoted

[bctt tweet=”DARK POETRY – ‘Devotion’ by Tina McFarlane @tina_mcfarlane #poetry #poet #darkness #darkpoetry” username=”theboldmom”]

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Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.

About Tina McFarlane 117 Articles
Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.