DARK POETRY – “Consumed” by Tina McFarlane

Words split my lip
as they burrow out
from my tongue
chattering in a language
all their own

they dig out
from under my fingernails
feed on the blood
of one who is
so willing to give

the paper is smeared
with the worms
of letters and signs
who twist and crawl
wriggling for air
they will shrivel and die
if not for me

Yet I am nothing but a puppet
it is my body which is given
for theirs
and my soul that
in the end
will bear the mark


[bctt tweet=”DARK POETRY – ‘Consumed’ by Tina McFarlane #darkpoetry #writingcommunity #poem #darkness @tina_mcfarlane” username=”theboldmom”]

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Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.

About Tina McFarlane 117 Articles
Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.


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