DARK POETRY ~ “Ballerina” by Tina McFarlane


Pirouetting on shards of memories
They cut
But she doesn’t bleed

She continues to dance
To music that has long since died
As if she can still hear it
In the echoes of her sanity

Her ugly beauty shines
As history pours through the cracks
On her face
Still she continues to spin
Each turn faster than the last

I find myself getting light-headed
As I watch
To see how long it will take
Before she breaks

And when she does
It’s in silence
Her head held high with open arms

As she turns to dust
Only then do I hear the music
That she was dancing to

[bctt tweet=”‘DARK POETRY ~ ‘Ballerina’ by Tina McFarlane’ @tina_mcfarlane ‘She continues to dance
To music that has long since died
As if she can still hear it
In the echoes of her sanity’ ” username=”theboldmom”]

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About Tina McFarlane 117 Articles
Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.