CLANS by Jim Goforth – It should be a Utopian existence. It should be ideal. It isn’t. @jim_goforth

Welcome to Mantas. A city unlike any other under the sun. One entirely free of discrimination based on race, creed, sexual preference, ethnicity, religion or anything else in between.

One where the only segregation that exists is based upon musical preference. One where whatever type of music each city denizen swears allegiance to defines where they dwell and which group of people they belong with, and these musical passions are their religions, their beliefs, their cultures.

It should be a Utopian existence. It should be ideal. It isn’t.

This is a city beset by violence, plagued by divides. Run by warring factions, split by constant differences.
One ruled by Clans.

And while there is perpetual conflict raging between Clans Mantas-wide, nowhere is quite as volatile as the eternal battle being waged in the inner city where two warring factions hold court.

The Metalheads. The Punks.

[bctt tweet=”CLANS by Jim Goforth – It should be a Utopian existence. It should be ideal. It isn’t. @jim_goforth #horror #book #writingcommunity ” username=”theboldmom”]

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