BOOK REVIEW – The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel by KT Rose – Trapped inside like mice in a snake cage.

If you like your horror psychological, this is your book. KT Rose has a very particular style, where the antiheroes find themselves trapped by their own ghosts.

In this story, she lets you believe you know what is going to happen, but she never really lends you the control. Characters react in unexpected ways several times in the book.

This haunted hotel full of mourning phantoms and other more dangerous creatures hosts a meeting with a very original variety of guests. Each one of them with different origins and lifestyles. The tension and electricity that makes you watch over your shoulder are always present.

Continuously ready for a scare jump, it doesn’t arrive in the first chapters but it still keeps you uneasy. After the few first chapters, the haunt begins. They don’t take long in discovering that place is out of their reality and they are trapped inside like mice in a snake cage.

Blackness surround them and, as much as they don’t like each other, they need to team up in order to try and get out of that nightmare. Success is not promised though.

Ghosts from the history of that place, which burned down with all the crew inside, crawl the hotel without worrying about showing themselves. Which I appreciate because the action doesn’t make you wait and it just jumps at your throat almost from the beginning. Thank you for that.

Summarising: chills, scare jumps, demonic attacks, blood, psychological terror, and lots of fear are delivered in this book. I enjoyed it so much because this —is my kind of horror.

Very recommended if you’re looking for a solid horror read.


The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel: A Supernatural Horror Novel by KT Rose


[bctt tweet=”The tension and electricity that makes you watch over your shoulder are always present. @kyrobooks #horror #bookreview” username=”theboldmom”]

[bctt tweet=”BOOK REVIEW – The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel by KT Rose – Trapped inside like mice in a snake cage. @kyrobooks #horror #bookreview” username=”theboldmom”]

[bctt tweet=”The action doesn’t make you wait and it just jumps at your throat almost from the beginning. Thank you for that. @kyrobooks #horror #bookreview” username=”theboldmom”]


Pride and greed infect the soul, anchoring the dead to Gallagher Hotel.

When Chris, a master thief, and Riley, a contract waitress, get mysterious invites to an exclusive party at the haunted Gallagher Hotel, they discover more at play than simple celebrations.

Hidden truths are revealed, and all hell breaks loose. But the “party” has just begun.

Now, Chris and Riley face their demons as they fight to survive a hellish nightmare full of spoiled secrets, carnage, and vengeful spirits lost to the hotel dating back to the turn of the 20th century.

Will they survive the night? Or will their souls be devoured by the most haunted building in Michigan?


[bctt tweet=”JUST RELEASED! The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel: A Supernatural Horror Novel by KT Rose – A hellish nightmare full of spoiled secrets, carnage, and vengeful spirits. @kyrobooks” username=”theboldmom”]

[bctt tweet=”Now, Chris and Riley face their demons as they fight to survive a hellish nightmare full of spoiled secrets, carnage, and vengeful spirits lost to the hotel dating back to the turn of the 20th century. @kyrobooks” username=”theboldmom”]


Read the excerpt here!



About the author

K.T. Rose is a horror, thriller, and dark fiction writer from Detroit, Michigan. She posts suspense and horror flash fiction on her blog at and is the author of a suspenseful short story series titled Trinity of Horror, an erotic thriller novel titled When We Swing, and A Dark Web Horror Series. She also writes  paranormal horror novels and short stories.


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