BOOK REVIEW by Kerry Black – “The Mermaid’s Revenge” by Amy Cross

Mermaids. In folklore and culture, these cryptids fall in love with human princes like a well-loved Disney ginger or they grow jealous of a boy who won’t grow old. Some mermaids are gentle and have a soft-spot for humanity. Others drown unwary seaman. They are as enigmatic as their ocean home. Amy Cross has created a powerful, tragic being intent upon restoring her freedom, protecting her kind, and escaping experimentation.

Cross’s horror thriller is told from the first person point of view of an ill ten year old, Sylvia. Sylvia is timid and prone to bouts of temper like her wealthy mother. The child’s world consists of a controlled diet, indulgent lessons from a private tutor, and the company of her volatile mother. Her caregivers seem at turns caring and others greedy and manipulative. Poor Sylvia falls victim to their misguidance.

When her mother has a secured lab in their posh London apartment suite outfitted and prize cargo imported, Sylvia’s life changes. Her mother found a pair of merfolk. Only the female survived the capture. In beautiful, fascinating, and alluring mermaid, Sylvia recognizes intelligence and strength. She forms a connection with the mermaid, but Sylvia’s a guide-less child.

With gore to satisfy horror fans and enough heart to bring a touch of humanity to this thriller, The Mermaid’s Revenge presents a few twists.

My only complaint is the text could have used another examination by an editor.

However, Amy Cross has enriched the continued public fascination by presenting a new take on a very old tale.

[bctt tweet=”BOOK REVIEW by Kerry Black @BlackKerryblick – ‘The Mermaid’s Revenge’ by Amy Cross – ‘With gore to satisfy horror fans and enough heart to bring a touch of humanity to this thriller'” username=”theboldmom”]

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About Kerry Black 5 Articles
Kerry E.B. Black lives along a fog-enshrouded river outside the land where George A. Romero’s Dead dawned. She dances with words to create some nightmarish stores that dip into the universality of fear. Some of the eclectic works of this First Reader for “Postcard Poems and Prose” have crept into anthologies, and she enjoys working with Kerry is a mom of 5 delightful urchins and their menagerie.