DARK POETRY – Bleeding Out by Tina McFarlane

He drew me in
with promises
and false loyalty

Only to find myself
tied down
chains locked around
my chest
and nailed to a ring of piety

He carved his soul into me
with such desperation
that I never felt
the loss of my own

and when I did

His passion became fury
love became loss

and my scars
raw with emotion
wet with tears
made me his

I could feel myself fall
whole becoming parts
parts becoming nothing

Until I awoke
saw the dark in his sunrise
and knew that I was
the only one who could
stop myself from
bleeding out

And now I stand
his shadow covers me
he tries to block my freedom
but he cannot take my will

And so he falls
only to awaken
to my resolve
under my control
now it’s I who will decide
how to make him bleed

[bctt tweet=”DARK POETRY – Bleeding Out by Tina McFarlane #poet #poetry #darkness #darkpoetry #writingcommunity @tina_mcfarlane” username=”theboldmom”]

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About Tina McFarlane 117 Articles
Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.