ARENA WARS: Movie Review By Matt Boiselle

Starring: Michael Madsen, Eric Roberts, Robert Lasardo

Directed By: Brandon Slagle

Ah, the not-too-far-off future: the place where cryptocurrency rules over any remaining medium of exchange, and the only way to declare your innocence is in the most fierce & primal fashions only known to the gods themselves. You want a fresh start? The opportunity to make things right and set your personal course towards that beacon of freedom? Well then, you’re going to have to spill a LOT of blood for it, all the while keeping your own ass intact.

Courtesy of the Mahal brothers (Michael & Sonny), and under the film direction of Brandon Slagle comes ARENA WARS, a film set in the year of 2045 where society’s most reprehensible criminals are given the chance to battle for their liberation inside of a 7-room “arena” of sorts. Make your way through to the end, and you’ll be flying free as a bird – if you don’t make it through…well, let’s just say that the cleaning crew will be in soon afterwards to hose your remnants off of the walls & floors. Sound like a ripe probability? Then follow me as we dive inside this revolutionary slaughterhouse! Our focal point is set upon a prisoner known as Bender (John Wells), a former Marine who was wrongly accused of a crime that’s had him behind bars for some time – he’s the antihero that we’ll all root for, despite his constructed shortcomings. He’s desperate to get back to his fiancée & father no matter what the cost, and all that stands between he & an open door are 7 rooms of the most barbaric executioners the world has ever seen…ooh, trust me when I tell you that the viscera will be in full flight with this presentation.

The film plays out with a “who’s really in the right?” pathway that will more than likely have audiences pondering who are the real scumbags here – the criminals who have obviously created their own current situations, or the corporate bloodsuckers who are ultimately profiting off the human cockfighting that’s taking place – fans are encouraged to make wagers, obviously! The action is off the charts, and if you’re an aficionado of flying fists, feet and friggin vats of generously sprayed bodily fluids then this movie is for you. Accompanied by some amazing performances by Madsen, Roberts, the definitive bad-ass Robert Lasardo and a slew of others (where do I start?) – Sheri Davis, Robert Donavan, Johnny Huang just to name a few, you’ll never feel slighted at the slew of personalities doing their utmost to keep the action fresh. Under Slagle’s direction and the Mahal’s production, ARENA WARS is a total popcorn flick for your summer entertainment needs…but if I can make a recommendation it would be best to cover your popcorn as the chances to find an eyeball or a few spare teeth in the bucket are very high. Make sure to give this one a look when it releases on June 25th of this year through Gravitas Ventures.

About Matt Boiselle 55 Articles
At the tender age of 6, Matt was indoctrinated into the horror genre by his mother, who asked him to sit down and watch "The Exorcist" with her - ever since then, it's been a blood-soaked, neon-lit, fever dream of an existence. "You don't make horror...horror makes you." (Can't remember who came up with this quote, but he was probably off-kilter like I am).