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SUPPORT THE PROJECT: Claudia Christian’s Dark Legacies. Chapter Two

Story Starring Claudia Christian, Patricia Tallman, Bruce Boxleitner and Peter Jurasik of Babylon 5 fame… Dark Legacies Issue #2 is ready for blast off! Tough as nails investigator Jessica Steele returns in this action packed second issue, […]

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Review: THE ABYSSAL PLAIN: THE R’LYEH CYCLE, edited by William Holloway and Brett J Talley

They called it the Event. The Event changed everything. The earthquakes came first, including the Big One, shattering the Pacific Rim and plunging the world into chaos. Then the seas came, the skies opened, and […]

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Whispers of a Gypsy: A Supernatural Dark Thriller of Suspense and Horror by J.T. Patten

“In the permanent place of the dead, there were no angels, no bright lights or family members waiting in the wings. He died in the blackness of regret and error, tumbling through Sheol.” World War […]