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OCTOBER TERROR 2018 Short Story Award – Entry #56 “Praying to the Devil” by Mark Kirkbride

“Debs, Debs,” cried Gavin. “She’s back.” “What?” Deborah leaned against the front door. It clicked shut. “Who?” “Nan.” Deborah sighed as she deposited her handbag on the stairs while she took off her coat and […]

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OCTOBER TERROR 2018 Short Story Award – Entry #54 “THE WRITER’S FRIEND” by JG Clay

THE PLACE STANK. Harvey Dellar groped blindly for an adjective or metaphor adequate enough to describe the rank scent. He failed. The writer’s block was more potent than ever. He couldn’t even find a way […]

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OCTOBER TERROR 2018 Short Story Award – Entry #50 “Evelyn’s Biggest Fears” by Kimberly Wolkens

Want to know what Evelyn’s two biggest fears are?  Snakes and stumbling upon a dead body. Weird, right?  Maybe not the fear of snakes, because everyone is either afraid of snakes or knows someone afraid […]

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OCTOBER TERROR 2018 Short Story Award – Entry #49 “The Vegetarians” by Tom Over

    By the time he arrived at the window the attack had already begun. The afternoon sunlight gave the scene a frighteningly surreal quality, something he had grown familiar with lately but never accustomed to. […]

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OCTOBER TERROR 2018 Short Story Award – Entry #48 “WAITING FOR DADDY” by Jenny Twist

When it all finally went horribly wrong, nobody really understood. All her friends, meaning to be kind and sympathetic, only seemed to criticise. “He’s a complete wastrel. I can’t imagine why you married him in […]