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OCTOBER TERROR 2018 Short Story Award – Entry #50 “Evelyn’s Biggest Fears” by Kimberly Wolkens

Want to know what Evelyn’s two biggest fears are?  Snakes and stumbling upon a dead body. Weird, right?  Maybe not the fear of snakes, because everyone is either afraid of snakes or knows someone afraid […]

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OCTOBER TERROR 2018 Short Story Award – Entry #49 “The Vegetarians” by Tom Over

    By the time he arrived at the window the attack had already begun. The afternoon sunlight gave the scene a frighteningly surreal quality, something he had grown familiar with lately but never accustomed to. […]

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OCTOBER TERROR 2018 Short Story Award – Entry #48 “WAITING FOR DADDY” by Jenny Twist

When it all finally went horribly wrong, nobody really understood. All her friends, meaning to be kind and sympathetic, only seemed to criticise. “He’s a complete wastrel. I can’t imagine why you married him in […]