“The Mad Imp” by Tina McFarlane

Image source https://es.pinterest.com/pin/457748749616153543/

Those Whispers
They goes tap tap tapping in my head
Those bad tricksters
Full of darkest thoughts
Wicked thoughts

I feels them crawling
Like ants dancing on my skin
They excites me they do
Causes my eyes to tingle
And my mouth to go all curvy up
You can sees my pointy teeth
So shiny

They don’t like my teeth
Those people don’t
They screeches and makes awful sounds

“DEMON!” they calls me

Until I shuts them up

I don’t like to be called names

And once they shuts up
So do my Whispers
And I’s all quiets again

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Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.

About Tina McFarlane 117 Articles
Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.


    • Thanks Paul. While this poem is quite dark (that’s just my style), I wanted readers to take their own interpretation on it. I personified that struggle that many of us have. For me, my “mad imp” is my creativity, (my madness if you will), fighting against years of self-doubt.

      • Yes I agree at age 37 I am learning old habits do die hard. I was a White kid in an all black neighborhood. It was hard and I had to fight daily to survive in Detroit, all the crime the breaks ins, not to mention an abusive situation on all levels. It kinda stopped when we moved out of Detroit 10 years later in 1990 however it started again and my dad passed away. I really understand these kids when they say the feel a negative vibe washing over them. Our lights would turn of in our house for no reason. Things would break all the time. There was anger and bitterness in the air , alcohol and drugs fueled it even after my dad passed away. Any how the short version is I get it. Yes it was hard for me and still is hard for me to over come the predators . They still pop up like a jack in the box when clowns the lot of them when I go about this town. But I can say for now helping others and writing , doing my art , living for my son is worth more and helps more then living in the past. I over come one step at a time but it is very hard. Those voices linger of me to. I hope this helps you my sweet friend and helps otherPS Tina was the coolest name in Detroit in the 80s. I miss the 80s for to many reasons to count.

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