October Terror Readers’ Choice Award 2018 – Short Stories

October Terror Readers’ Choice Award 2018 – Short Stories

Welcome to the second annual October Terror contest. This year we include a readers’ choice award as part of the prize.

October Terror Readers’ Choice Award

– Short Stories –


After the success of the first year, we are excited to present a bigger, stronger— darker October Terror competition.

We’ve been lurking in the backstage, building up a Readers’ Choice Award. We (The Bold Mom) take no decision over the final choice, so make sure you submit the best of your darkest best.

We are going to accept submissions until October 23rd and leave a week for the readers to choose. We’ll set up a poll where they will freely participate. October 31st, the winner will be revealed.

Every accepted story will be published and shared on our social media.

The accepted stories will be posted in order of arrival.


We keep no rights over the stories.

The website is 100% protected. Nothing can be copied from it.

The only objective is to read your best story.

One entry per author, your best.


  1. No child or animal abuse. (Rape, torture, molesting). 
  2. STRICTLY HORROR. No romance (paranormal romance, dark romance)
    What is PARANORMAL HORROR? Paranormal means “the unknown, not explainable by science”, including activity like: ghosts, demons, evil spectral entities, shadows, necromancers and similar.
    HORROR is the genre which has the objective of TERRIFYING and/or DISGUSTING the reader.
    IF YOUR MAIN THREAD FOCUSES ON A ROMANCE, your book belongs to PARANORMAL ROMANCE, NOT HORROR, as much as it might have some paranormal elements.
    **That is, because paranormal romance is not a subgenre of horror, it’s a subgenre of romance.
    There are millions of awards and contests dedicated to romance, but it’s hard work to keep pure horror communities, please understand this.**
  3. All entries will be screened for quality (grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.).
    Please note that the winner will be chosen by the readers and issues like that will reduce your chances to win.
  4. Reprints accepted
  5. Format: in a Word doc
  6. Up to 8K words (standard size for a short story) we are flexible though, if it has some more words, it’s alright.
  7. Please, send your submission or questions to theboldmom@gmail.com

Prize – Valued at $600

As the award winner, you will receive:

  • A set of promotional ads for your story with the award logo (Facebook and Twitter headers and ads sized).
  • A Silver Promotion by TBM (valued at $150) See the promotion
  • Formatting service for your book (ebook and paperback) (valued a $250)
  • Cover art for your book (valued at $200) See the cover art and See the art page in charge of the covers
  • You will be shown in the main sidebar of the website as the October Terror Award Winning Author 2018 for a year until the next awards.

The prize doesn’t have an expiration date. You can use it whenever you need it. We do this because we think that perhaps the author might want to reserve this prize for a future release or occasion. 

[bctt tweet=”TBM’s October Terror Readers’ Choice Award 2018 – Short Stories – NO ENTRY FEE – Prize valued at $600 #horroraward #OctoberTerror2018 #TBM #OctoberTerror #horror #readers #writingcommunity” username=”theboldmom”]

Let’s horror, shall we? 

See the already selected and posted stories

About Mar Garcia 786 Articles
Mar Garcia Founder of TBM - Horror Experts Horror Promoter. mar@tbmmarketing.link