DARK POETRY – “Loss” by Tina McFarlane

The tears catch my breath
And fight with my need to scream
To wail and lash out
To curse the heavens
That I can’t see
And blame the gods
Whom I have no faith in

I don’t struggle
But rather let the pain
Drip down my face
And stain the floor with memories

Would it be so bad?
To give up that breath
Relinquish it
Feel it fall from my lips
And disappear in a haze?

I live, but death I have become
A corpse with eyes but no soul
I will carry my days like a burden

In time, I may stand straight
Walk in light instead of shadow
But not now

Now, I grieve
And let that raw wound
Tear my skin
And beat me with its fists
Until I’m undone
Mute and broken

And when I am spent
I will remember you
And it will hurt
I will take that pain
Use it like a staff
To help me stand

And wait for that day when I can do it alone


[bctt tweet=”DARK POETRY – ‘Loss’ by Tina McFarlane @Tina_McFarlane ‘I live, but death I have become / A corpse with eyes but no soul / I will carry my days like a burden’ ” username=”theboldmom”]

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Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.

About Tina McFarlane 117 Articles
Between the dark and the light, sanity and madness…that’s where you’ll find me. Bring coffee.