Infested 🕷️👀: A Skin-Crawling Spider Horror Experience

If you’re looking for a horror movie that will make your skin crawl, “Infested” is the one to watch. Directed by Sébastien Vaniček, this 2024 French horror film delves into the terrifying world of spider infestations. It’s not for the faint of heart, especially those with arachnophobia, as it features an overwhelming number of spiders, both real and computer-generated, to create a truly horrifying experience.

The story centers around Kaleb, a 30-year-old grifter who has a passion for exotic pets. His latest acquisition is a highly venomous spider named Rihanna. Unbeknownst to Kaleb, this spider is not only dangerous but also rapidly reproduces, turning his rundown apartment complex into a nightmare filled with swarming spiders of increasing size. The building, already neglected by authorities, becomes a quarantine zone, trapping the residents inside with the deadly arachnids.

“Infested” has received positive reviews for its ability to balance intense horror with social commentary. Critics have praised Vaniček’s use of practical effects, employing real spiders whenever possible, which adds to the film’s authenticity and creepiness. The use of CGI is reserved for scenes involving hordes of spiders and the larger, more monstrous ones that appear in the third act.

Infested 🕷️👀: A Skin-Crawling Spider Horror Experience

The film is set in a French apartment complex that evokes a strong sense of community and abandonment. Comparisons have been drawn to “Attack the Block” for its depiction of marginalized communities and their struggles. The cinematography by Alexandre Jamin captures the claustrophobic and decaying environment, making the spider invasion all the more horrifying. The practical effects are complemented by CGI to enhance the horror, although some critics have noted that the CGI spiders can appear cartoonish at times.

“Infested” not only delivers on the horror front but also weaves in themes of neglect and survival. The film highlights how the residents of the building, already on the fringes of society, are left to fend for themselves against an overwhelming threat. The character work, particularly Kaleb’s, adds depth to the story, showing his internal struggles and the strained relationships within the community.

While “Infested” has its minor flaws, such as occasional pacing issues and some less convincing CGI, it remains a compelling horror film that succeeds in delivering genuine scares. The movie is noted for its skin-crawling tension and effective use of both practical and digital effects to bring the spider nightmare to life. If you’re a fan of creature features and intense horror, “Infested” is definitely worth a watch.

“Infested” is currently streaming on Shudder, making it easily accessible for those brave enough to face their arachnid fears.

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