Turn Up the Terror 🧟‍♂️🔥: How We Can Promote Your Horror Book, Film, Game, Podcast, Music, Store, or Event!

We promote your horror book film, podcast, event, video game! to our audience.

TBM Horror started small, but it has grown exponentially as we have put all our efforts in delivering daily cool content and visuals to horror fans.

Scare The Hell Out Of Your Audience

We still have a lot to grow! But with over 40k active followers, 27K subscribers and 100k website views a month, we offer great exposure to those creators who want to gain thousands of eyes on their work.

Our mission statement has always been to help build the indie industry, so we work with all kinds and sizes. That’s why we have smaller packages, affordable for everyone and with very competitive fees (we’re actually one of the most affordable advertising service in the horror world) and bigger packages that include full marketing campaigns through our marketing agency, TBM Marketing, attending distributors, film companies, game devs, publishers and more.

If you want to jump in, you can check all our options out here

About Mar Della Greca 409 Articles
Founder of TBM Horror & TBM Marketing Horror Promoter