Draw You In~Vol. 1-Collectors Item by Jasper Bark

“Linda couldn’t help feeling they were on the brink of a rabbit hole and once they went down it, they’d never climb out.”

Linda Corrigan’s whole world is tipped on its edge when her comic book editor has disappeared. When she asks around for him, no one has any idea who she is talking about. None of it makes any sense as these are people that have known him for many years. Not knowing where else to turn, she files a missing persons report with the FBI but is met with even more shocking results. 

Agent McPherson is the only one who takes an interest as he realizes there is a connection to a mystery he has been keeping track of for awhile. He confronts Linda and convinces her to join him in the investigation along with a comics historian. 

As they research a notorious horror comic book creator, they are pulled into a world of hidden societies and have put their lives and the lives of others in danger. 

I am not going to say anymore about the story as I wouldn’t want to include any spoilers. There is a lot that goes on throughout this whole story as it evolves. Lots of characters and information to pay close attention to but it flows together flawlessly. There is a deep history of the world of comic books, writers, artists, and editors, moving forward to today’s internet trolls, and a whole underbelly of the dark and macabre. 

I honestly have never read anything so creative and intriguing. From the prologue to the ending, there was never a moment that didn’t hold my interest. The whole mystery is exciting along with the characters unveiling their own mysterious backgrounds and connections to the darkest parts of the comic book world. R.L. Carver, the ill-famed horror comic creator, is a very dark character. What he creates is frightening and adds a whole new level of taking us beyond the realm of reason.

Draw You In Volume 2 will be releasing on June 21st and this is one I am invested in continuing. I am so looking forward to see how this is going to unfold and how deep into this JB is going to take this whole new level of intense and compelling writing.

**My thanks and appreciation goes out to Crystal Lake Publishing and Jasper Bark for sending an e-ARC. 

**Available for purchase and on KU

5 Stars

About Karla Kay Peterson 9 Articles
My name is Karla Kay. I live in MN in a river valley where the Minnesota river and the Chippewa river converge. I am a Special Education Paraprofessional specializing in elementary school students. I write reviews for small publishing companies and independent author's. I am a very diverse reader as I enjoy many genre's. My reviews are posted on Goodreads, Bookbub, Storygraph, Book Sirens, and IG. Reading for me is a comfort. I know when reading I can escape into whole new worlds with excitement, adventures, imagination, time periods, cultures, reflection and growth. Over the years my passion and love of reading has grown. One of the reasons for this is discovering there is a whole world of independent publishing and authors. Reviewing books has also become important to me as it boosts author’s profiles, promotes and shows support. It also creates a connection between readers who share the same tastes, opens up discussions, and often gives new insights and angles. Sometimes a reader discovers great books through a review that has been shared and oftentimes a discovery of an author that may just become a new favorite.

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