🎬”Don’t Look Away” – New fear unlocked?

It doesn’t move, it doesn’t think, it just kills. For one young woman, a chance encounter with this supernatural entity proves devastating. Frankie learns that once you see the mannequin, there may be no end in sight, except for your own.

“Don’t Look Away,” directed by Michael Bafaro, centers on Frankie (Kelly Bastard), who becomes haunted by a supernatural mannequin after a hit-and-run accident. Following the accident, Frankie tries to shake off her anxiety by partying with friends but quickly realizes she is being followed by the mannequin, tied to the pedestrian she hit.

The film starts strong with an intense and engaging opening sequence and a creepy dance floor massacre. However, the middle section struggles with pacing issues and tonal imbalance. The serious treatment of the inherently campy premise—a killer mannequin—detracts from the film’s potential to blend subtle humor with horror.

The mannequin’s weakness—being immobilized by eye contact—reduces its menace, akin to if a horror icon like Michael Myers could be stopped by eye contact. Despite this, the film manages to create a tense atmosphere through low lighting and an ominous score, enhancing the mannequin’s presence.

While “Don’t Look Away” has its flaws, particularly in the middle, it remains an entertaining watch due to its strong opening and closing sequences. The film crafts a compelling atmosphere and delivers moments of genuine tension and horror. Fans of horror films involving sentient objects may find “Don’t Look Away” intriguing. It is currently available in select theaters.

For those curious about the unique premise and execution, “Don’t Look Away” offers a worthwhile viewing experience, particularly for its effective bookends and atmospheric tension.

About Mar Della Greca 410 Articles
Founder of TBM Horror & TBM Marketing Horror Promoter