The Terrifying Legend of the Black Angel of Oakland Cemetery

In the heart of Iowa City’s Oakland Cemetery stands the imposing figure of the Black Angel, an eight-and-a-half-foot-tall bronze statue with outstretched wings. Erected in 1912 as a memorial for the Feldevert family, this statue quickly gained notoriety, not just for its dark and mysterious appearance, but for the legends and superstitions that have surrounded it for over a century.

The Black Angel was commissioned by Teresa Dolezal Feldevert, a Bohemian immigrant, after the deaths of her son, Eddie, and her second husband, Nicholas. Eddie, who died at the age of 18 from meningitis, was initially buried with a tree stump monument marking his grave. When Teresa returned to Iowa after her husband’s death, she had the Black Angel created as a new marker for her family, moving Eddie’s remains beneath the statue.

The statue, sculpted by renowned artist Mario Korbel, was originally made of bronze but mysteriously turned black shortly after its installation. While most attribute this to natural oxidation of the metal, the dark transformation fueled numerous eerie legends. Some say that the statue’s color shift was caused by the evil deeds of Teresa herself, or that it represents the accumulated sins of those buried beneath it. One particularly ominous belief is that the statue turns a shade darker every Halloween for each soul it claims.

The Black Angel is also steeped in superstitions. Some claim that anyone who touches or kisses the statue will meet an untimely death, while others believe visiting the statue at night can bring bad luck or death within a year. These myths have been passed down through generations, making the Black Angel a central figure in local lore and a chilling symbol for horror enthusiasts.

Whether the result of natural processes or something more sinister, the Black Angel of Oakland Cemetery has become a must-visit site for paranormal investigators and thrill-seekers. With its foreboding presence and the many dark tales tied to it, the Black Angel remains one of Iowa’s most enduring urban legends.

For fans of horror and the supernatural, this enigmatic statue is a fascinating piece of both local history and eerie folklore.

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