Beyond Hanwell: An In-Depth Look at the Upcoming Horror Game

Beyond Hanwell, developed and published by Steel Arts Software Ltd, is set to release on August 25, 2024, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. This psychological survival horror game serves as a sequel to the 2017 game Welcome to Hanwell, taking players deeper into the eerie and enigmatic world beyond Hanwell, specifically exploring the Westminster area of London.

In this installment, players will uncover the dark secrets of an enigmatic figure known as The Director. The game promises a rich and atmospheric experience, featuring detailed environments filled with lore and secrets waiting to be discovered. The gameplay is non-linear, allowing players to explore and engage with the story at their own pace, enhancing the immersion and replayability.

One of the standout features of Beyond Hanwell is its dual control melee combat system, which allows players to execute satisfying combos and impactful hits. Players will also need to scavenge for scarce weapons and ammunition, adding a layer of strategy and survival to the gameplay. The environment plays a crucial role in combat, as players can creatively use it to defeat anomalies, employing methods like setting them on fire, electrocuting them, or crushing them.

The game offers a HUD-less interface to keep players fully immersed and maintain high tension. Additionally, players can splice themselves with anomalous DNA, granting them otherworldly abilities to aid in their survival. This mechanic adds a unique twist to the gameplay, allowing for varied strategies and approaches to challenges.

Beyond Hanwell draws inspiration from the personal experiences of the developer, specifically a traumatic mountain climbing accident, which deeply influences the game’s narrative. The story reflects themes of pain, fear, and eventual rebirth, creating a deeply emotional and psychological journey for players.

Before the full release, a standalone teaser titled Beyond Hanwell Teaser: The Royal Hallamshire was made available, providing players with a glimpse of the game’s mechanics and atmosphere. This teaser focuses on a hospital setting far from Hanwell and has received positive reviews for its detailed and atmospheric design.

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Founder of TBM Horror & TBM Marketing Horror Promoter