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Horror film review by Matt Boiselle – BERMUDA ISLAND directed by Adam Werth

Starring: John Wells, Sarah French, Tom Sizemore Looking back at my “informative horror movie years” as a little kid, I always would tune into the Creature Double-Feature on my local TV station on Saturday afternoons, […]

tbm horror - ghoulish books - Anthology - Year of the Ghoul
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Year of the Ghoul: 13 Terrifying Tomes From Ghoulish Books

In 2023 Ghoulish Books will publish 13 spooky horror books, including 2 issues of GHOULISH TALES! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ghoulishbooks/year-of-the-ghoul-13-terrifying-tomes-from-ghoulish-books# BACK UP THE PROJECT HERE! In 2023, we are publishing 10 books and three issues of two different […]