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DARK FANTASY PROJECT E. N. Dahl – Book Review – “Brothel” by Stephanie M. Wytovich

Fantasy has many different ways of expressing itself. There’s high fantasy like Harry Potter, the science-fantasy of Star Wars, the urban fantasy of Hellboy, and the psychotropic fantasy of Alice and Wonderland. Then, of course, […]

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DARK FANTASY PROJECT Kerry Black – Book Review – “Sanity’s Threshold” by Angela L. Lindseth

Book Review: Sanity’s Threshold by Angela L. Lindseth Reviewed by Kerry E.B. Black “Sanity’s Threshold” is a collection of about thirty short fictional tales of terror, the paranormal, and the odd, each told in under […]

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DARK FANTASY PROJECT Kerry Black – Book Review – “Bumps in the Road” by Chad Lutzke

Book Review: Bumps in the Road – A Horror Anthology Review Written by Kerry E.B. Black This 220 page anthology of seventeen short horror stories compiled and edited by Chad Lutzke is perfect for road […]

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DARK FANTASY PROJECT Kevin Holton – Book Review -“Attack of the Kaiju: Age of Monsters” edited by Matthew Dennion & Neil Riebe

Dragon. Golem. Behemoth. Godzilla. What is it about the idea of a giant creature smashing its way through civilization that people love so much? Perhaps we use them as a metaphor to represent our more […]


DARK FANTASY PROJECT Kevin Holton – Book review- “Ritualistic Human Sacrifice” by C. V. Hunt

You might look at a book titled Ritualistic Human Sacrifice and get a pretty good idea as to what it’s about without needing to open the cover. You might also look at the cover design–a pentagram featuring […]

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DARK FANTASY PROJECT Kerry Black – Book Review – “The Sleepless” by Nuzo Onoh

Wow! “The Sleepless” is graphic, haunting, and terrifying. Nuzo Onoh transported me to a place I wish never existed, a place that filled me with indignation, disgust, and a desire to avenge. This book is […]

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DARK FANTASY PROJECT Kevin Holton – Review – “Horror Haiku Pas de Deux” by A. F. Stewart

There’s a lot to be said for a writer who self-publishes a book correctly, especially when that writer goes the extra mile to provide ISBN numbers, internal art, and dozens of pages of poetry. A. […]